made it as goes along - Dictionar Englez de Sinonime

Pentru un rezultat mai bun, cauta cuvintele la singular

made it as goes along (verb)
play it by ear: take a situation as it comes
Sinonime: active, all ears, bright, cagey, careful, circumspect, clever, fast on the draw, good hands, heads up, heedful, hip, intelligent, jazzed, observant, on guard, on one's toes, on the ball, on the job, on the lookout, on the qui vive, perceptive, psyched up, quick, ready, sharp, spirited, switched on, vigilant, wary, watchful, wide-awake, wired, wise, with it
Antonime: asleep, drowsy, inattentive, lethargic, sluggish, unobservant, weary

Alte cuvinte din "Dictionar Explicativ Englez"

made it made intricate made into law « »made it as one goes along made it big made it snappy

Despre "Dictionar Englez de Sinonime"

Dictionarul Englez de Sinonime este un dictionar, in care termeni din limba engleza sunt explicati intr-un mod simplu (nu simplist) si eficient, altaturi de sinonimele si antonimele corespunzatoare.