took off all directions - Dictionar Englez de Sinonime

Pentru un rezultat mai bun, cauta cuvintele la singular

took off all directions (verb)
disperse: distribute; scatter
Detalii: to disburse means 'to pay out or expend'; to disperse is 'to scatter something'
Sinonime: banish, besprinkle, break up, broadcast, cast forth, circulate, deal, diffuse, disappear, disband, disburse, discharge, dislodge, dismiss, dispel, disseminate, dissipate, dissolve, divvy, dole out, eject, intersperse, measure out, partition, propagate, radiate, rout, scatter, scramble, send off, separate, shed, sow, split up, spray, spread, strew, take off in all directions, vanish
Antonime: arrange, assemble, collect, garner, gather

Alte cuvinte din "Dictionar Explicativ Englez"

took off after took off took oath « »took off as took off directions took off hat to

Despre "Dictionar Englez de Sinonime"

Dictionarul Englez de Sinonime este un dictionar, in care termeni din limba engleza sunt explicati intr-un mod simplu (nu simplist) si eficient, altaturi de sinonimele si antonimele corespunzatoare.