on the grounds that - Dictionar Englez de Sinonime

Pentru un rezultat mai bun, cauta cuvintele la singular

on the grounds that (conjuction, preposition)
because: on account of
Sinonime: baneful, dangerous, deadly, deleterious, disgusting, fetid, foul, harmful, horrid, hurtful, injurious, insalubrious, insalutary, loathsome, malodorous, mephitic, mischievous, nauseating, noxious, pernicious, pestiferous, pestilential, poisonous, putrid, rank, reeking, repulsive, sickening, sickly, smelly, stinking, unhealthful, unhealthy, unwholesome, vile, yucky
Antonime: good, just, moral, upright

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Despre "Dictionar Englez de Sinonime"

Dictionarul Englez de Sinonime este un dictionar, in care termeni din limba engleza sunt explicati intr-un mod simplu (nu simplist) si eficient, altaturi de sinonimele si antonimele corespunzatoare.