most wheedling - Dictionar Englez de Sinonime

Pentru un rezultat mai bun, cauta cuvintele la singular

most wheedling (adjective)
fulsome: sickening or excessive behavior
Sinonime: accept, accredit, admit, affirm, attach weight to, be certain of, be convinced of, be credulous, be of the opinion, buy*, conceive, conclude, consider, count on, credit, deem, fall for, give credence to, have, have faith in, have no doubt, hold, keep the faith, lap up, place confidence in, posit, postulate, presume true, presuppose, reckon on, regard, rest assured, suppose, swallow*, swear by, take as gospel, take at one's word, take for granted, take it, think, trust, understand
Antonime: disbelieve, distrust

Alte cuvinte din "Dictionar Explicativ Englez"

most wheedled most whatsis most whatnot « »most wheezing most whelked most whetted

Despre "Dictionar Englez de Sinonime"

Dictionarul Englez de Sinonime este un dictionar, in care termeni din limba engleza sunt explicati intr-un mod simplu (nu simplist) si eficient, altaturi de sinonimele si antonimele corespunzatoare.