most all seeing - Dictionar Englez de Sinonime

Pentru un rezultat mai bun, cauta cuvintele la singular

most all seeing (adjective)
almighty: godlike
Sinonime: action, appear, arise, be found, be present, befall, betide, chance, come about, come off, come to pass, cook*, crop up, develop, ensue, eventualize, eventuate, exist, follow, go, jell, manifest, materialize, obtain, present itself, result, shake*, show, smoke*, take place, transpire, turn out, turn up
Antonime: lay, lowly

Despre "Dictionar Englez de Sinonime"

Dictionarul Englez de Sinonime este un dictionar, in care termeni din limba engleza sunt explicati intr-un mod simplu (nu simplist) si eficient, altaturi de sinonimele si antonimele corespunzatoare.